
02. Buying guide

Shopping at gisela is very simple, just follow these steps:

1. Filter our products by different fields such as lingerie, collections, swimwear, bras...

2. View the product(s) you are interested in and just by clicking you will be taken do another page with further information, the back of the product, description, composition, available sizes, colours, reference and price. Remember that all our bra sizes are expressed in ESP/FR size.

3. Select a size and add the item to your cart. You can then choose to continue shopping or place an order. If you want to continue shopping, repeat the process.

4. Log in with your login details or fill in your billing details directly in the purchase form to process your order.

5. Once you have entered your details, check that they are correct and if you have a discount code, enter it and click to redeem your voucher. Then press 'confirm'.

Products with the NEW! tag are excluded from promotions with discount coupons.

6. Choose whether you want to collect your order at a collection point or receive it at your home address. Do not forget to check that your shipping and billing addresses are correct.

7. Select a form of payment. We only accept PayPal or card payments for deliveries to pack points

8. Click finish shopping.

9. You will receive an email confirming your order.

10. If you have any questions, contact us by calling 951 55 55 10 or writing to We will be happy to help you!

11. You will soon receive your purchase.

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